DMScript: Having access to millions of followers, and moving forward
Hey everyone! We’ve got some HUGE news for you all.
We’re currently having partnership discussions with yet another eSports team who is covering different video games than the current team we originally announced. With this being said, having both teams as partners with DMScript means that we’ve got the eSports scene covered both in NA and the entire EU regions, as well as some areas in Asia. This is a huge leap for us forward, because it means our projects, announcements, and information will be accessible to millions of followers who are passionate about their teams, and can learn about DMScript through them. Once the partnership agreements have been signed with both teams, we’ll be happy to announce who they are, and will also reference their very own announcement on their social media and websites!
With this being said, we’re also interested in knowing if our community members have a sharp eye and are able to guess who the teams are. For which reason, we’re holding a contest! In this contest, we’d like for our members to guess on Twitter who the teams we’re talking about are. The winner who guesses either team correctly will earn $500 per guess, meaning the contest’s prize money is $1,000. To participate, all you have to do is comment your guess in our Twitter post right here.
On our team’s side of things, George, our team leader, is welcoming a part of Higglo’s team in our UK office today, along with Ali Rashid, our legal assistant, to further discuss Higglo’s future, current state in the pre-Alpha phase, and when we would be able to showcase a demo of it as soon as possible for the community.
Also, great news! Our company’s incorporation process has been successfully completed and we’re now registered with the Companies House of the United Kingdom. This is a key step in our legal status, as it will ease our access to bigger exchanges and also prove that we’re serious to potential partners.
Last but not least, we’d like to clarify that we’re aware our community has been mentioning how we keep announcing every single step we take with everything being considered as “soon” or is something we can’t 100% announce, such as the team names, our partnerships, etc. The reason behind this lies in our own company’s philosophy, which is to share every single step we’re taking with our community. So if we decide to do something today, we’d let you know, even if it’s something that’s pending or still in progress. This is just how we operate, and we think it’s the best approach to take with our fellow community members. And whenever we fail to confirm anything, it’s because there are NDAs that we have to respect, or otherwise we’d be a terrible company that cannot be taken seriously by potential partners in the future.
With all things said and done, please keep an eye out for all of our future updates, and as always, keep dreaming and look up to the moon!
Wishing a great weekend for everyone,
DMScript’s Team.