Our dear community, first and foremost, we apologize. We apologize for everything that many of you have expected from us over the last month. We made many promises to you and failed to deliver, and we understand how many of you have felt about that. Many of you have raised their concerns, and we are terribly sorry for the unfortunate turn out of events which happened in December, but we owe it to you to explain what happened.
Two of our team members were diagnosed with COVID-19, including our team leader, George. The severity of the virus were quite high on George in particular, rendering him unable to work efficiently and he had to self-isolate for quite a while without being able to properly oversee the projects, leaving us at major slowdown that prevented us from carrying out many of the goals we promised for December.
Regardless, while we may have failed to deliver many of our promised results, the production timeline for Higglo isn’t changed. Thankfully, George set everything in motion prior to his sickness, and the development team is working to their best to ensure that we launch the platform early this quarter. We understand that this isn’t a good excuse, but we are not looking to give one, as we can’t think of a way to properly apologize for letting down our community once.
However, we do promise to keep going, and to persevere. George’s recovery is good, and so is the second team member who was infected. Higglo will continue updating and you will be able to see all the latest updates after every maintenance we commence, and we are sure of our ability to make a powerful comeback this year.
And finally, once Higglo’s development is complete, we will commence one last marketing campaign in preparation for the platform to receive its first volume of users. When the time is right, we will let everyone know when the functional demo is ready, and we thank and appreciate everyone who understands these trying times we are going through as a team.
We wish you all a wonderful new year.